Headline Format
- A headline should be no more than eighteen words; concise, precise headlines work better.
- The press release’s headline should appropriately summarize its contents.
- The issuer’s entity ought to be mentioned in the headline.
- The headline needs to be newsworthy—that is, timely and significant enough to be announced.
- Initial caps should be used when writing headlines (e.g., This Is A Sample Of Your Headline).
- Do not use an exclamation mark in the headline and summary, as it is mostly used in advertisements.
- Headline and summary should not contain question(s) or exclamation(s).
- Do not use special characters such as ™ or © and symbols in the headline. Symbols run the risk of being omitted by some of our media partners.
- Headlines with active verbs and subjects will be more enticing.
Press Release Body Guidelines:
- Optimal Length: Maintain a length between 300 to 800 words for an effective press release.
- Impersonal Tone: Use an impartial and official tone; avoid casual first-person language (I, we, you, etc.).
- Visuals: Attach one image per release (max 200KB, jpg, png, or gif).
- Legitimate News: Focus on genuine news, announcing something new and timely.
- Announcement Style: Present information as an announcement; refrain from advertising or selling.
- Entity Focus: Concentrate on the issuing entity; avoid discussing other entities unless authorized.
- Video Integration: Embed videos correctly within the release.
- Avoid Questions: Structure the release as an announcement; avoid posing questions.
- Appropriate Lettering: Use uppercase and lowercase appropriately.
- Markup Restrictions: Do not insert JavaScript or other markup languages; only links are acceptable.
- Proper Formatting: Ensure correct formatting, with appropriately spaced paragraphs and lines.
- Formatting Integrity: Avoid unnecessary double spacing, use proper punctuation, and eliminate unnecessary line breaks.
- Quotations: Include quotes that are genuinely attributable to someone.
- Limited Anchor Links: Restrict press release anchor links to a maximum of 3.
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- Contact Information: Include available contact details, date, and location in provided fields.
- Email Addresses: Do not include email addresses within the body of the release.
- City Inclusion: Specify the city of origin, typically the location of the company’s headquarters.
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ElitesNet Newswire Guidelines:
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Content related to blockchain
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Publicly listed company
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- ElitesNet Newswire generally does not accept non-English press releases.
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